Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Proverbial Seasons: The Naming, The Journey

After many months of reading friends' blogs and pondering the concept, I've decided to throw my hat into the blogging ring.  When naming the blog "Proverbial Seasons," I chose the word "Proverbial" because, according to Miriam Webster's Dictionary, it means:
1: of, relating to, or resembling a proverb
2: that has become a proverb or byword : commonly spoken of <the proverbial smoking gun> 
 As for the first meaning "relating to, or resembling a proverb," I'd like this blog to relate to Proverbs 31. This passage illustrates a woman who dances among her gifts and talents to the benefit of her family, community, and glory of God.  Okay, so, on my own I feel like I have two left feet in all things domestic.  This is why I often find myself carried across the dance floor by God's grace and strong framework.  I know I'm not alone in this department, so I also chose "proverbial" for the second meaning, "that has become a proverb or byword: commonly spoken of."  The themes in my life, while uniquely combined and molded for my life, are also, on their own, themes "commonly spoken of" in others' lives and are therefore "proverbial."  I know it's a stretch, but I'm going with it. 
The word "Season" in the title refers to Ecclesiastes 3.  Made popular by "The Beatles, this passage talks about the many seasons in our lives.  It is the first section of scripture that pierced my heart and drew me to the Lord.  For everything there truly is a season, and I am so thankful that seasons CHANGE!  I felt this was a fitting word for a blog that will wander with me through the seasons of life. 

There are several current seasons that will become running themes of this blog: being MARRIED to my best-friend for over 12 years (we're still babies!), living as a SAHM for over 10 years and still going, raising four BOYS, raising TWINS, learning to cook to accomodate FOOD ALLERGIES, CRAFTING!, and starting a small business from home.  There are also a few seasons that, though in my past, still influence my life: coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as a teenager, moving from my childhood home in Minnesota to the Deep South (Culture shock!  OOF DUH!), losing my Mom many years ago, thus becoming a motherless mother, and, last but not least, our season as Missionaries.  A few years ago we had every intention to serve as career missionaries, but we came home after just a year when my pregnancy with our twins became difficult.  Missions advocacy remains our passion as a couple, and a ministry of my heart.

Some of these are old seasons, and some are very very new.  And much like hurricanes and floods, all of these seasons have changed the landscape of my life.  With each gentle breeze, raging fire, crashing wave, or still spring evening, I've grown back more humbled (often embarrassed) and more open to the Lord's leading.  I often cling to this verse that I first learned decades ago when my mom was dealing with a new diagnosis: "I can do all thing through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 (ESV).

So I proceed with this blog, not as an expert, but as a fellow sojourner through the proverbial seasons of life. 

Welcome to my newest season: BLOGGING!