I know children from A-Z. Well, I know one set of children from A-Z. My own! A, N, S, and Z. In that birth order. All of them are BOYS! The ladies at our local grocery store tell me I'm raising monkeys because of the number of bananas I buy. I tend to agree with them for way more reasons than just a bunch of bananas. Our days are filled with busy, moving, climbing, sweet little monkeys. My older guys might protest to being called "little monkeys," but, as I've explained a million times, they will never ever cease to be my babies.
Our first two boys, A and N, are just 17 months apart and well into public elementary school. Our second two boys, S and Z, are our toddler twins! When trying for our "third child" we took into account that our first two sons were already 4 and 5, and they were soooo close in relationship that it would be awesome if our third child would also have a playmate close to their age. I guess God gave us a 2 for 1 deal!
We first became parents when we were just 23 years old. It was our very first anniversary when we found out we were expecting our first guy. My mom had been gone for just 7 months, and all of us were still feeling a bit raw from losing her. A little nervous to tell everyone, I was met with one of the best responses from my grandfather: "HA! I think it's GREAT! Everyone should grow up with their kids!" I have always loved that precious encouragement. When we talk about those early years and growing up with our kids, my husband has often quoted this scripture:
Psalm 127
3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children[a] of one's youth.
Not only was our first man's birthday the day that we became forever "Mom" and "Dad," but it was also the very first day I became a Stay at Home Mom. I was at work when I went into labor, so my transition truly was a line drawn in the sand. One day I was a married and working college student. The next I was a wife and Stay at Home Mom taking classes. 2012 marks a decade of staying at home with my guys (for the record, I waddled across the commencement stage 7 months pregnant with our second son. Somehow, I managed to finish college). I don't wave a flag that says, "HEY, look at me! I stay at home!" Quite the contrary. Proverbs 31 talks about a woman who works, takes care of her family, and her community. My working friends and I have this in common: we love our families and do the best we can as often as we can, and our days are very full. Our household has been ordered for me to be able to do this. Am I mom extraordinaire? HA! I sure fall short of Donna Reed. But I do love it. I am very thankful for the chance to stay at home.
Welcome to my season of being a Stay at Home Mom to Four BOYS!